Situation in Moscow and in Russia in general
looks like a coup performed by a state itself. Believe no more any
person who will say we have democracy here. It was a fake hided
behind a screen, but now masks are dropped. We have single ruling
party with a tame, decorative opposition and election result does
not depend from us anymore. Anyone who disagree in public risks to
spent several days in jail. Opposition internet sites blocked,
popular blogs unavailable. Police is busy arresting people who try
to protest.
People are outraged. Nobody among my colleagues and relatives voted
for the ruling United Russia (UR). People sick of them. They
nicknamed as a “Party of Rogues and Thieves” and they are
commonly compared with the SU communist party. The latter used to
steal less...
Last Sunday elections were the greatest fraud in
Russian history. How do you like this: Chechen republic voted 99,5%
for UR. Chechen president Ramsan Kadyrov boasted the day before he
will bring more then 100% of votes for UR. Damn, was he really that
bad in math during his school year?
In Moscow electoral frauds were huge. There are so many videos made
on mobile phones and cameras of independent observers where you can
see how members of electoral commission, responsible for the voting
process, fill out bulletins for UR and drop stacks of such bulletins
in a ballot box. People posts their stories in a blogs. Many
independent observers were pushed out of electoral commissions by
men in civilian clothes. Police did nothing to stop them. Some times
police was involved - they arrested many observers on a apparently
false charges from the side of electoral commission members. And
there was “carousel” - when young people from pro-Kremlin
organizations voted many times in different places and a bus carried
the group from one place to another. Also some people for the 50
bucks were ready to bring many bulletins for UR stealthily into
electoral commission and drop them into the ballot box. One group of
such persons was “infiltrated” by a reporter from news
site and he handed them to police right on a spot, when they tried
to drop bulletins... But how many of them succeeded in other places?
The honest results for ruling party are around
25-30% at best, despite they dominated mass media and they deployed
“administrative resource”. But now they claim 49% of votes.
To say that people are disappointed is to say
nothing. This time a lot of people decided to vote, a lot of people
went into electoral campaign. And all of us had one thing in common
- we wanted UR to get out. Many people who never before were
interested in politics, to their own surprise went to opposition
meetings, then went from door to door explaining people why they
should go and vote against UR. There was strong grassroot campaign
against UR. People put campaign leaflets in a mailboxes, glued them
everywhere it looks appropriate...
And all this to no use. They showed us where they've seen democracy.
Open, shameless fraud. Everyone know this. People do not vote for
them? Ha, then they vote instead of people.
My English is to poor to express how bad I feel. We had some,
hm-m-m, facade of democracy before. Some hope, I would say. We have
no hope anymore. We have mild dictatorship pretending it is
democracy and very unpopular. Now to save their position Putin and K
should be strong and severe...
I never liked Hilary Clinton and I never liked
when some western politicians said a unpleasant things about Russia.
I used to think like “Hey, you are responsible for a bloody
disasters and bloodbaths in Libya/Iraq/Afganistan/whatever, so why
don't you shut up and look for yourself”. But I am totally agree
with the Hilary Clinton when she tells she concerned about numerous
violations during elections in my country. We did not vote for
United Russia, we do not want them.
And some funny picture. Dot plot where number of
local electoral commissions given in colored dots plotted against
vote turnout, % (X), and % of votes for United Russia (Y). This is
the graph for Moscow only. One can easily see that electoral fraud
has really happened in a number of places. But still in other places
voting process was legitimate. That is why you can see two focuses
on plot instead of single for the all other political parties.