ok so, i got over the hurdle of lab meeting. my presentation was slightly dumb but it was funny and pretty (oh my god it was a mirror of ME), and everyone seemed to get a kick out of it. Steven wasn't there, so we were relaxed, which was nice.
the semester is dying a slow horrible death, unfortunately. I wanted it to be quick and painless, but well, it isn't
i still have to
- write a giant review
- write my meadow restoration proposal (and since i am controlling and my group sucks, yeah i'll probably just go ahead and do the whole damn thing)
- grade 48 lab reports AGAIN
- finalize grades for my students
- community dynamics final (will hurt reallll bad)
- restoration ecology final (will not hurt as bad, but is on the same day as comm dynamics)
- reconcile it to myself that i finished a year of graduate school and somehow got STUPIDER. how did that happen?
but my point was to tell you a story of a serendipitous little happening yesterday:
We went on a field trip to the Wycoff Wetland Restoration Bank. It was horribly cold, and everything was brown, but it's a nice place overall.
anyway, we were walking out in the wetland, and the Shaw company had installed some
(standing dead trees for birds to perch on/eat out of/nest in). Someone asked what they were and the guide said that they were for birds such as kestrels to perch on/eat out of/nest in. At that moment a
flew up and perched on the snag!!! it was awesome, people applauded