friday wasn't too bad of a day, it was quite fun actually.
saturday we went about in search of invitation, catering halls & whatnot. we found them. we bought them. its all good and in the process of happening. that excites me. so then my mom bought me a juicy outfit, which she knows i'll never wear because we were going to a family friends house for passover dinner. she wanted me to look presentable so i could show-up this girl who my mom really loathes, but is bffl with that chicks parents. what a damn shame. the suit's yellow.
i'm sure we all know that is my least favourite colour. EVER!
whatever. at dan's house saturday, we all chilled in his room looking at eachother's ipods and telling eachother how bad our music sucked int heir opinions. i thought i was somewhat funny that i knew every artist on their ipods, but they knew maybe 9-12 artists on mine. whatever. i chewed a lot of juicy fruit gum and it was tasty.
i was also text messaging people half the time because the kids at dan's house were beat.
sunday; passover dinner @ nikoles... it was fun & amazing.
mer & jenn making something that consists of nuts& apples
yum !
jess& danielle (whose not drunk, yet).
table setters!
the plate of odd jewish foodesque things
the evil-flourless cake
..and it's frosting companion
thanksgiving food on passover.
aww fat jewish boy.
no comment.
danielle& i
..just i.
and just danielle.
sharpie-mini xcore?!