(Asgard) Permissions & First Impressions

Dec 06, 2011 16:24

★ First Impressions

☆ VISUAL: Rider is a really big guy. He's 6' 11.5" tall (212 cm), and 236 pounds (130 kg). And it really shows. He's got an imposing figure, not only because he's so tall, but because he's all muscle, and covered with old, grisly scars. He has fairly unkempt red hair and a manly beard. Everything about him says manly, actually. Nowandays, he's always wearing the armor in the picture, and often with the cloak. If he doesn't have the cloak, it'll be specified.
☆ AURAL: Rider has a loud, booming voice. He doesn't know anything about volume control. He has a very deep and resonant voice, but it's not very smooth. It's rough, but not gravely, as if to match his apperance. In terms of language, Rider is always speaking ancient Greek, and his speech will be accented as such.
☆ OLFACTORY: Technically speaking, he has no physical physical body, and the one that characters see is made of magic. But to those with super senses, there's the lightest scent of the desert--of sand and sun, mixed with the smells of battle like blood and sweat.
☆ DEMEANOUR: Rider is very relaxed and carefree, and it shows in his body language. He's the kind of person that doesn't generally respect personal space, and will certainly give someone a jovial smack on the back. He's a very upbeat and cheerful guy, to the point of seeming like an idiot at first glance.

★ IC Permissions

☆ PHYSICAL AFFECTION: All okay! He might be a bit confused, but he'll be nice, male or female. He is Greek.
☆ PHYSICAL VIOLENCE: Sure! Rider loves fighting!
☆ RELATIONSHIPS: Not likely! Rider still considers himself married, and is emotionally faithful to his wife...s... (yes I know that's not how wives is spelled, but that messes up the flow) and his bros. He's also not really super interested in either gender, sexually. He wants best friends forever a lot more than lovers.
☆ PSYCHIC & PSIONIC INFORMATION: Weirdly, this is like one area that isn't specified in Fate/Stay Night. I'm just going to go with the assumption that Rider is 100% readable, but he's not oblivious to people trying to pry into his mind and may, you know, attack you. Just sayin'.
☆ MAGICAL INFORMATION: Rider being around at all should set off anyone's magical alarms. He is a being composed of magic, and very very powerful magic, at that.
☆ MEDICAL INFORMATION: None! Rider cannot be afflicted with illness, and exists at the height of health.
☆ OFFENSIVE SUBJECTS & TRIGGERS: Well, Rider himself doesn't have any offensive triggers, but I will note that he's slightly less misogynist than you would expect from an ancient Greek king, but that's still pretty bad. If you want a character to get into an argument about women's rights, just realize that he's not going to be moved.

Also, as an OOC thing, asking about his sexuality or anything like that is a no-no just because Alexander's sexuality is a subject of scholarly debate that I'm not super convinced of either way, so I'd rather avoid it.

★ OOC Permissions

☆ BACKTAGGING: Please do!
☆ THREADHOPPING: Just ask first!
☆ FOURTHWALLING: Sure, go ahead! Rider will just think that you're refering to the Alexander legends, so he won't care.
☆ DO NOT WANT: :( I am actually pretty okay with everything... If you have questions/plots, just ask and we can talk it out!


*permissions, !asgard

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