Yearly update...

Aug 23, 2011 10:46

I realised a week or so ago that I've not only failed to update my LJ year...but that I've not actually logged in, either, and have consequently missed out on vast chunks of my friends' postings. Oops....

So, because I'm heartily sick of logging in and seeing the same darn post at the top of myjournal, I'm going to change it, with a meme shamelessly adapted from one recently posted by samincittagazze (who also borrowed it from elsewhere so I don't feel too guilty... :D )

Name: Nic
Age: Somewhere in my thirties...
Location: Southwest UK
Links to places you're at besides LJ: Facebook, and a horsey forum or two.

What I'm reading at the moment: 'Bad Science' by Ben Goldacre (brilliant) and 'Mort' by Terry Pratchett, for light relief.

People/places/etc. you talk about in your LJ that I should know:
Family: I don't actually talk about much. I have parents, and a younger sister, and we all get on well. There are also various cousins and uncles and aunts whom we see infrequently and then when we get together with wonder why we don't get together more often as we get on so well.

Friends: Mostly online, one or two who I actually see, most of whom don't have livejournals.

'My babies': I have a small yellow Haflinger pony called Staro who has been on loan to a friend for over a year for reasons of my health being rubbish and me having a massive falling out with said yellow pony as a result. We tried to sell him so he had a permanent home but no-one's buying ponies at the moment, so he's still staying with my friend and enjoying himself learning all about how to do dressidge (or Dressage, fancy-pants prancing about in an arena, for the non-horsey). If I manage to get well enough to actually DO something with him then he'll come back to me so I can learn dressidge too. So not exactly my baby, but he's a rather sweet little fella.

Colour: Varies a lot. I just watched a fascinating Horizon documentary about colour. Mostly I like blues and purples. Also reds and oranges. And greens. And yellow. Oh....
Number: I'm going to completely rip off samincittagazze's answer for this one, as they're exactly the same as mine for exactly the same reasons: "1013 or 42. Fangirl, what did you expect?!"
Animal: Horses! And cats. Actually I'm a fan of most things so long as they don't have eight legs and scuttle across the floor to hide under the armchair in a menacing way when I'm minding my own business watching the telly.

Fandom(s): Used to be a massive X-Files fan, and still have all the DVD's. Including the OMG what were they THINKING piece of sh*t that was the second movie. Not such a huge fan now as it's pretty old, but I can still quote alarming amounts of it verbatim and have a definite soft spot.

I absolutely adore Peter Jackson's filmic interpretation of Tolkein's Lord of the Rings trilogy, and have watched them all far too many times. Along with the DVD special edition extra documentaries...for balance, I've read the books two or three times too. I can't wait for the release of the film of The Hobbit. I've never managed to make it all the way through The Silmarillion though.

Actually I like lots of sci-fi and fantasy stuff: Dr Who; Star Wars which I also quote from to blank looks from all around, and Star Trek (although I do tend to sit and snigger through it rather a lot), and Battlestar Galactica (the remake is amazing, of which I have yet to see the final series so no spoilers pls k thx). But I remember the original was pretty entertaining too, and Buck Rogers was hysterical (partly as it was meant to be a spoof and partly because...well, watch it and you'll see what I mean). Firefly was a great series that should never have been axed, and Serenity didn't really do enough of a job of tying up the story. Farscape was also very cool, and the earlier series of Stargate SG1 were most entertaining. Avatar was cool although without the 3D and special effects would have just been a bit of a preachy apology to various native tribes, really. Blade Runner is much better story (and better than the book it's based on too)...I could go on. And I'll stop here:

My most enduring fandom is probably the books of Terry Pratchett which I never tire of reading - especially the stories about the witches and Sam Vimes.

And I do have to own up to being rather keen on Harry potter books too - the films are ok, and entertaining, but the books are better.

Character(s): Oo, blimey. Probably Gollum. Then it'd have to be Granny Weatherwax, Nanny Ogg, Casanunda, Sam Vimes, Lady Ramkin, Errol, Captain Carrot and the Librarian; then on to Han, Luke and Leia, Mulder and Scully, Admiral Adama, Starbuck, Apollo; Hermione Granger, Severus Snape...shall I go on? No, I'll stop there. I already look like a nerd.

Ship(s): Mulder/Scully, Starbuck/Apollo. I'm not really much of a 'shipper, but these are kinda cute and I'm probably a sucker for the will they? Won't they? Nature of their stories (Not yet having seen series 4 of BSG I've no idea how the starbuck/apollo one will turn out, though I have my suspiscions that it probably won't. But again no spoilers pls thx).

Either or...
cats or dogs: I like both, but probably marginally prefer cats for their 'up yours' attitude to life
black or white: nothing is ever just black or white....
rainbows or unicorns: well, duh...
tea or coffee: Tea all the way! I don't touch coffee unless in the form of icing. In which case, nomnomnomnom...
ninjas or pirates: Oooo...well, since Cap'n Jack Sparrow, it has to be Pirates.
vampires or werewolves: Again going to quote samincittagazze here as I agree 100,000% with her sentiments on this: "I am enraged with the world and it's Vampire/Werewolf obsession at the minute. Buffy is the only thing in recent history that has done either with any style" Yes!!!!!

Favorite gif/final words/etc.: Blimey, I dunno...I'd like to quote my sister here, I think: "I'm going to keeeel you. Slooowly. Weeth a teeeeaspooon." No idea what it's from, but we both say it rather too much. Along with "Muster the Rohirrim!" "fool of a Took" and finally top of the list: "and then...the Tunnel"

Random things you will notice/may want to know: might notice I don't actually have a great deal to say. This is why I don't say much.


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