wednesday is like hell

Nov 16, 2005 09:54

so basically yesterday and today have been pretty stressful. school is painful sometimes.
i was pissed off because i feel asleep really early on monday, didnt get any errands done... AND then i woke up late on tuesday at around 2pm. what the heck is up with that? i wasnt able to do annnyytthing and on top of that, the study time for my two tests were completely gone. i had class at 3 and i still had to write another paper on top of the studiness. guess thats called being a student right?

so tuesday, i just spent the entire afternoon writing about how stressed i was in my journal and drawing, hoping i could focus on the material. around 8 the juice kicked in and i went straight through...statistic problems for 4 hours, then religion for another 3 hours. i went outside of the graham basement for a soda and oopsy... i got locked out! i had no phone, no keys, no access card (bc im a dumbass)...campus safety came to my rescue after about 30 minutes of freezing, standing the darkness.

its wednesday. i have 3 hrs of sleep on me and i gotta do a sociology lab. what the hell is up with this week? seriously. its worse than finals! anyways, at 4pm its all over. ALL OVER. and then, i get to go to san francisco and see BLITZ! plus im getting in for free so more bux for booze. yayers! no to mention its my first oi/punk show in a while, like a year. im gonna meet up with courtney and josh. noah <3 and nick are coming too, of course.

i called my mom this morning and whined to her about how my last 2 days have sucked. im such a little girl still.

oh yeah. its also HOLLY(wood) 's BIRTHDAY! wahhhoooo.
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