might as well write about saturday. my bro is insane.

Oct 09, 2005 06:03

sat. started out pretty late and sooo in exchange for my fabulous friday, i was out of sorts and just kinda felt annoying and not myself the entire day. not a fair trade. after doing some stuff around the house i went over to Peets to get some chai and see Noah on my way to Dad's. i havent seen him in over a month and even though we arent super close, it was good to see him and my lil sisters again.

my lil sisters: they totally ruined some of my shirts while i was gone. they also are even more bratty and mean. i wish they would just stop being sooo agressive and whiney. little kids should be nice and not develop a bitchy attitude. they are supposed to be innocent! my lil 6 yr old sis talks trash to me. insane i tell you. my step mom is horrible at parenting.

saw my bro and teresa. they got in a fight. MY BROTHER ALMOST RAN ME OVER! but i forgave him. annd the love birds are ok too. they solved their problem within an hour of bitching on the front lawn.

cargoload/primo run feast for dinner, all you can eat ice cream, pasta, salad, and junk. i was stuffed and gothic punk and emo high school kids were staring at me the entire time and one acutally came up and tried to hit on me. weird.

the good stuff: SF to hang out with krissy, thai, holly, david, and joe savage. it was badass as usually and just a really chill night. not a lot of booze, just good times and good music. i met thai for the first time. he wasnt as shy as i thought he would be and hes pretty nice. we all just talked about life. been a while since ive done that with a group of good friends.
* the way home was a bitch. all of downtown SF was closed and it took me over ONE hour to go less than 2 miles. INSANE. who thought that i would run into that driving at 2 am?

holly and david are supposed to stop by my place tomorrow. sweet.
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