Dec 03, 2007 18:13
today was my first day werrrkinggg at the GAP in manhattan.
I don't know why i thought it would be slow.
I mean, it's really really fast paced. as the manager warned, "everybody wants things done yesterday in new york city."
it's true. and much better than the GAP back home.
quick is good. making the time go by fast is really good.
i hated working the other gap. it was slow and boring.
i may end up not coming home, if this job works out, and they give me a lot of hours and things.
it's just a thought i've been having. i even have a possible someone i can live with.
because coming home would just mean having to get a new job, and start over, then come back and get another job!
wow. that's a lot of moving around.
plus home is only for going to be for a month or so.
i think a pro/con list is in order for this.
i need to go make one.
oh, and today was the final day of classes. so finals are starting.
and i havent gone to class in a week. so i probably won't study. i just sold a book. for money.
which i am going to spend wisely. cause thats what working girls need to do.
esp. one with an apartment in her future.
and it's been said, & apparently is a fact: "you don't LIVE in New York City. You survive."
(why do i space so often in my entries? i space like after every sentance.)
i am a new mommy to a hermit crab i rescued as well. he was our neighbors. but they didnt take care of him. so i am. i feel so bad for him!