So I just wrote a pretty negative post... then I was like wait a gosh darn minute. It is thanksgiving and that is just WRONG! I decided to take it back and make a quick list. Nothing is in order. Everything is awesome.
-A warm place to stay
-Silly people
-$$$ so I can go to school
-Foner hats
-Inside Jokes
-Hair ties
-Lap top
-Late night talks with Madre about labor theories
-The Spirit
-Pumpkin Pie
-Mismatched socks
-Rubiks Cube
-President Monson
-Grand Tetons
-Ape Caves
-Gordon B.
-The person who let me in when traffic was backed up
-Clothing makers
-Rubber bands
-Organic deoderant
-Top Foods
-Prayer Flags
-Warm towel
-Swiss Cheese
-Puget Sound
-Sound systems