May 20, 2005 11:43
up your's UC monitoring/censorship staff! Spend your time on worthwhile things. Why waste time punishing people and passing judgements over an irreputable source?
anyway. it's been a while since i've updated LJ. Mostly, because i dont really care and i figured no one else really cares, because in all honesty, it's the internet and a little silly. Sure we're in the information age, but that doesnt mean you should believe everything you read as truth. Granted, people shouldn't expect what is written on the internet to be private, but they also shouldn't have to expect being hunted down and persecuted for what they do write, especially since it is the internet, and people lie and embellesh stories to be "cool." I mean, all the cool kids are doing black-tar heroin now-a-days. For all of you assholes out there, that was sarcasm. Learn it, and take everything with a grain of salt.
I'm not in any means one of those "every day depressed 'youth'", nor am i your "average angst-ridden activist punk". And i'm certainly no hippy. I'm quite conservative. Of course that doesn't make a point in context of the post, but i'm outraged at the lengths the university is going for censorship and punishment. This school used to be different, fun, outgoing, strong. Now it's crap and i dont even want to be here. People go to college for a reason, it's an important part of some people's lives and personal development--and administrative staff worrying about imposing "saftey" on them by punishing them after the fact is ludicrous and stiffling.