Dec 29, 2005 01:10
So i also said speeding is the only thing i do wrong when i drive right... yeah, well as always i get busted for the ONE fucking thing i do wrong. 92. yeah, 92 in a 65. That's gonna be a pretty penny for sure. I have nothing else to say really except that it BLOWSSS!!!
Well, at least last night was fun. I got to see my homies john and brian and aj and chelsy! it was bomb! They all got drunked out, especially john. and i got to drive home, which wasn't too bad because hey, i got to see my old school homies. I also figured out, by watching THEM drink that i am the only person who doesn't spill all over themself while drinking i rock. Wow, last night was really good, but the whole ticket thing brought down my mood so i can't just babble on all happy like so i'm not even going to try. sorry guys.