Mar 26, 2006 21:34
So I sprained my left foot today.
Friends and I were Go-Karting at the Family Fun Factory, and during the last lap you're supposed to slow down towards the end.
Well, with driving a car, I'm so used to the break being on the same side (right side) as the gas.
So instead of slowing down, I floored it more or less into the go-kart infront of me.
Which was stationary.
Which had a little boy and his Dad in it :(
They weren't hurt or anything, but...
I felt SO horrible.
And still do.
I'm pretty sure I tramatized the kid.
I apologized profuesly, but I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive myself.
A certain friend in particular kept badgering me about it, and I just lost it.
But a certain boy cheered me up :)
Or boyfriend I should say...
He's nothing short of amazing.
Thank you.