Nov 03, 2005 00:56
I sent 25 bucks to Barbara Boxer cause she talks a lot of shit in the senate and isn't afraid to stand up to the Republican power-monsters. And she had a big part of staging that closed senate session about starting the pre-war intelligence investigation. It's time the Cheney administration is exposed for this shit that led us into this fucked up war that is killing our soldiers, plundering us into massive amounts of debt, and fueling terrorism and hatred for the USA. Oh yeah and fucking up gas prices while the oil companies are making record-breaking amounts of PROFIT!! Now they are threatening to take away MORE of our privacy with this nut case of a nomination for supreme court. FUCK THEM for this shit!!!
OK, sorry I got a little fired up there.
Anyway, Barbara was on the daily show last night and she was crackin me up. This lady is tight. Anyway, if you can afford it, send her some cash! This lady deserves some support!