YAY. So I finally got around to finishing this. I had to start all over because my ocd ness caused me to realize that I was doing everything wrong the first time and they all had to fit perfectly... and yeah. Sorry that didn't make much sense. But here goes :D
Ok, so basically I found out about KStew around when everyone else did, basically; when she was announced to play Bella. At first I really disliked her because of her voice (which was really manly in Zathura for some reason), but then she grew on me. SHE IS SO AWESOME. Like she's so bad ass and she's so adorable with RPattz. Idk, I feel like it's overused, but she's so ~real~ and adorable. I can't not love her. She's awesome and so amazingly gorgeous <3
I thought we were making a cult movie; I had no idea it was going to be
this, like, phenomenon.
It's such a bizarre thing, to me, to consider that what I wear, what I do
with my hair, affects my career.
Acting is such a personal thing, which is weird because at the same time it's
not. It's for the consumption of other people. But in terms of creative outlets
and expressing yourself, it's just the most extreme version of that that I've
ever found. It's like running, it's exertion. When you reach that point where
you can't go anymore and you stop and you take a breath, it's that same
sort of clearing of the mind.
YAYZ. I'm done. Wow, these take forever. But are so worth it <3 I know I didn't get a lot of images in but these were just my favorites. PLease no stealing for icons :)
Credit: lionandlamblove.org
ok, soooo done. now off to watch merlin and then to bed!