Nov 17, 2011 06:48
Wed, 17:40 : RT @ simonpegg : Why is everyone speculating about who should play the Doctor in the Doctor Who movie? Matt Smith is the Doctor, he should ... Wed, 18:46 : I feel bad that I'm not sure if the Jedi is Qui-Gon or Obi-Wan. Wed, 19:57 : Photo of a participant with at least three members of the 501st Legion in full Storm Trooper gear. #scav Wed, 20:52 : Create a piece of art in a public space using only natural materials. #scav Wed, 21:36 : @ The_Readymades Can we plan on having a group chat when we get our lists? Wed, 22:43 : Who put this god awful music on my iTunes? Thu, 00:43 : Craig Ferguson: "Do you watch Doctor Who?" Ewan McGregor: "No, I don't, not at all." Craig: "How long have you been in al-Qaeda?" Thu, 01:15 : I feel like if anybody were to look at the books I have they might get the impression that I'm much smarter than I actually am. #Strategic Thu, 01:55 : RT @ twoscooters : @ brightshiner Sneaking a look at people's bookshelves is the new peeking at their medicine cabinet. Thu, 02:19 : RT @ KeithOlbermann : Our interview with the extraordinary Dorli Rainey: The 84-year old activist pepper-sprayed Frid ...