I just dyed some yarn, I was going to sell it on etsy.com to make a few spare bucks. It was supposed to be black, blue and silver/gray but somehow it ended up with a little green and orange in it. Somehow one of the dyes must have gotten contaminated with my red dye. It's just really annoying because I really wanted to get some of that spare change. You can sell dyed yarn for pretty good prices on etsy.
Before that I bought the "Fantastical" Limited bundle for the new Panic! at the Disco album.
They're on one of my top three bands, and I didn't really have any issues spending $100 on that but now I'm just mad that my yarn didn't turn out how I wanted it to. So as soon as I saw how my yarn turned out I started feeling guilty about the purchase (even though I was really only paying about ~50 for it because of money I had in paypal from selling on eBay).
But now I don't have any cash for the Doctor Who series 5 dvds that I found for, like, $26 on eBay. I probably shouldn't have bought that boxset on such a rash decision. It comes with a lot of stuff like a hoodie and a t-shirt and a limited bundle with all kinds of goodies, but I dunno. I just jumped on the opportunity because it's limited to 300 orders.
In other music news--I just got my Empires EP in the mail! If you guys haven't heard of them you should go check them out at weareempires.com . They are seriously one of the best bands out there--they're small, unsigned and from Chicago and they will rock your socks off.
Also. DENTIST APPOINTMENT TOMORROW DDDD: I fucking hate the dentist. I have awful teeth and I'm so self conscious about them and I try but I just can't keep them in good shape. So I'm going to go off and write porn or angst or something to get out all of this BLAH that I'm feeling right now.