Oh man. So this is a real post. Of sorts.
Not that there's anyone on my flist to really read it but still. So basically surrender to the storm is just like taking over my brain. But I've seen tons of other cool prompts that i'm like I want to write! But I feel like I can't start anything until this beast is done. Hopefully it wont take too much longer to finish writing the rest. I'm at like 20k words I think. I'm anticipating probably a 40k total.
Once I'm done posting at the meme I'm going to put it up here and post The edited version. Mostly it'll be grammar and modernism editing and such but I am definitely rewriting the first scene.
I think I'll probably write a few short fills for a break, and then start working on a big bang. I'm kind of throwing myself into Merlin because it's so much fun.
And my Brit lit class started with Arthurian legend. We've read sir gawain and lanval. Mostly I've gathered that guinevere is a whore. We're reading l'morte de Arthur next!