Stretching. (Onesie)

Dec 11, 2007 04:18

Title: Stretching.
Author: ohvick
Characters: Frank/Gerard
Rating: PG-13
POV: Third, Frank-centered
Summary: Frank stretches his hole.... :O
Disclaimer: i dont own anything. damn.
Author Notes: My attempt at being dirty. It's late, and I'm tired. Lets say this is like, Revenge/Warped tour in the summer times, yeah? And lets pretend Frank is innocent. PSH.
Dedications: mcrgirl729 DIAF<3

The idea of it scares Frank a little, but excites him nonetheless. Not too long ago he thought the procedure of getting it done was to get a size you see fit, and possibly tear your way into it. But that would result in a lot of pain and a lot of blood. And though all the hurt he brings upon himself (and his other band members) on stage is just buckets of joy, Frank usually regrets it a moment later when the bruises start forming and the bones start burning where they’re broken. No. Frank isn’t very fond of the pain at all.

So he does some research. Google leads him to various sites, mostly stating the same thing. All the types of different sizes and which would be easiest to start on, clean thoroughly with skin sensitive soap and water before insertion, allow ample healing time between sizes and even though it’s done right, there may still be slight tearing and scarring. Frank can deal with that. Some sites have pictures that make Frank ponder about how big he’s going to stretch. Others show some that went wrong (discoloration and/or cracking scar tissue around the hole) and makes Frank quickly look away and jump to the Back arrow.

When Bob comes into the bus, Frank quickly exits out of his search window and opens up iTunes, though Bob doesn’t even glance at his laptop screen.

Frank doesn’t talk to anyone about his new little obsession. He knows someone will object and might even change the way he thinks about it. He tells himself he really shouldn’t care. But then there’s the risk that Gerard will be that person and then Frank would really feel stupid after he’s done it.

Pushing those thoughts aside, he decides he’s definitely going through with it, no matter what Gerard, or anyone else, will think. Because there’s really no turning back at this point where he finally got the chance to escape to the nearest shop, unnoticed, right next to an adult film store. He can’t help but laugh at the ads.

He’s hooded, hunched just a little more than usual and drumming his fingers nervously against the front of his pants as he peers through the glass box on display. It’s just, well…there are so many different types to choose from. Small ones, long, thin ones, big, gnarly looking ones, simple ones, obscenely colored ones, ones with designs, ones that look more like weapons….

He just wants to get what he needs and go as swiftly as possible before someone figures out he’s that dude from My Chemical Romance. He jumps when someone suddenly asks him if he would like some assistance. At first, Frank is too mesmerized by the many piercings and tattoos adorning the man’s body and face to speak.

“Umm…I want that one.” God he sounds like a little kid who’s never learned any manners. He points to a small, simple black one, which doesn’t look as scary as most.

The young man only raises his eyebrows and smiles politely as he rings it up. Frank pays with in cash, accepts the change and receipt, and when asked if he would like a bag, he replies with a quick yes. The whole ordeal is awkward and silent even with music blaring in the background and when he finally gets to leave, he does, quickly with his bag in his pocket and only running in to one guy. Smooth.

Frank gets really excited once he gets near the bus. He’s nearly panting from the run because he just can’t wait to get it in now.

He runs into the empty bathroom before anyone has a chance to ask what’s up and locks the door, grinning to himself. He rips open the package, seeing how much thicker it really is than his hole. So he cleans thoroughly, getting the area really slick so it can slide in easily and to his pleasure, it does. He quickly gets used to the feeling, barely any pressure at all, but it’s there.

When he steps out of the bathroom, he’s all toothy grin, feeling like everyone sees his great accomplishment, even though they don’t notice any change.

When he sits on the couch with Gerard, he’s already forgotten about it. Maybe it’s the way Gerard’s lips move when he talks.

Before bed, he checks it again, fingers it, and twists it around a little. He thinks about getting a thicker size as soon as he can. It turns out to be the next day, an hour before their performance. Again, awkward assistance, runs out super giddy, and locks himself in the bathroom.

But this time, getting the thicker size in is more of a stretch. He has to use more force, until it goes all the way in. It stings just a little on the ring, but fades away after a while. At the concert, he feels it snug in him as he continues to thrash around and scream into the microphone.

Frank has to keep this size in longer than last time, even though it bores him and he just wants the next size now so he can get stretched bigger, faster. And so as the weeks pass by, his hole gets bigger and bigger to his delight. He’s even grown to enjoy the stinging feeling every single time he goes up a size. He tears his hole once. It’s kind of gushing a few dribbles of blood, but it’s barely any major pain, and it heals pretty quickly. He just has to be more careful the next time.

The downside of it all is that he has to clean it more than once a day now, because it starts to smell really badly. When he toys with it, the smell sticks to his fingers and quite frankly, they smell like ass. He really hopes people don’t notice when they sit close by him. It’s supposed to make him feel really good, he thinks, but then why do things like that keep getting in the way? Things that make him really self conscious, things that he thinks people will laugh at him for and stereotype him and call him disgusting. Just to be safe he avoids sitting by Gerard in the bus.

At one point, he decides to buy the ones that got bigger down the length. Not only does it save having to go in public where he could get attacked any minute, but it also speeds up the stretching, which he craves for, whenever the stinging dies down.

So here Frank is, in the bathroom once again, with, a long, thick purple one, (they ran out of black ones) preparing for it. Only this time, when he tries to slip it in, it barely goes through halfway before the stinging starts. He pushes in harder, but it just won’t budge. He curses a little too loudly because someone hears and knocks on the door.

“Frank, you okay?” Oh God. It’s Gerard. He’s got his serious big brother voice on.

Frank’s voice kind of cracks when he says, “Yeah, I’m fine-”

Another, much ruder knock, “I need to piss!” It’s Mikey too.

Frank can’t imagine going out now, with the length of it only halfway in him, while the end sticks out obscenely. They’ll laugh at him. So he pulls it out carefully, and puts back his previous size before straightening everything up and opening the door for Mikey, glancing nervously at Gerard, then settling in his bunk for the night.

He goes to bed with the loose feeling of not being able to stretch tonight. He doesn’t feel so filled anymore.

It takes a lot of time and patience. Longer for Frank just because he has all the bad luck. What with buying sizes too big, too soon, tearing, bleeding, scarring, peeling. Until finally, he’s up to a size he’s very happy with and he can’t stop smiling at the amazing sensation. He’s so happy, he’s fiddling with it more than usual, cleaning it very often just to feel the sting of it going in again.

But still, no one notices anything different about him. He kind of feels ignored some way. Like, they still talk to him, they still include him in jokes, but they don’t really look at him. Not like he wants them too. Specifically one person. It isn’t until right before a show, while they’re doing their warm-ups that Gerard looks at Frank all of a sudden, contemplating something, concentrating really hard. Frank’s about to say something- Is my makeup okay? Do I have something in my teeth? - but Gerard beats him to it.

“You got your ears gauged?”

Frank ducks his head and nods, shuffling his feet. “Yeah. Do you like?”

Gerard smiles, that’s it, but it makes Frank melt. “Yeah, they look really good on you.” He reaches out to touch them, and Frank backs away because he doesn’t want Gerard to get stinky gunk on his fingers. Gerard looks all concerned now, “Did it hurt?”

Frank grins and plays it off well, “No, not at all. It felt really good, actually.”

Gerard giggles in that creepy/adorable way, “Cool.”

That’s all Frank needs to play an amazing show that night, one of their best. And kiss Gerard during I’m Not Okay.

frank/gerard, fanfic, stretching, onesie

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