Cold, so cold, and there are blankets but they do no good.
Getting up would be smart, getting up would be grand. Head's fuzzy though, so fuzzy and blue.
Head's not blue, everything else is.
When did everything get so blue and so, so cold.
Don't remember, can't remember.
Breathing, that's what needs to be done. Deep breaths, slow and careful. One and two and three and....
Sitting up is difficult and the floor stings bare feet. Cold again, everything's always cold but it never used to be. Don't know when though, can't remember.
And walls, dark walls forming boxes, big boxes but boxes all the same. Boxes that keep things inside, keep him inside.
They look so thick, so hard to get through. Can't stay here though, can't stay in the cold and the dark and the blue.
Besides, walls aren't walls, they're doors, the kind that haven't been made yet but still doors all the same.
Push once and nothing happens. Push twice and nothing happens. Keep pushing, pushing pushing until something does, anything does.
And it falls, a loud noise, a heavy noise and blankets are pulled tighter and steps are taken more carefully.
And the newly regenerated Eighth Doctor carefully finds his way out of the hospital morgue.
Muse: The Eighth Doctor
Word Count: 218