Feb 16, 2004 23:16
I was suppose to go to work today but around 12 I felt that I was being burnt out from my new job. I have worked there all weekend from Friday and was suppose to work today making that the fourth day of working with no break for relaxing. I decided to take the day out and called up and they said that I needed to bring in a doctors note. That rule is complete crap, I mean I should be entitled to have a sick day. So I will have to go to the health services on campus and have them write me up something. No big deal I have have it by friday. So I went around the city with Bryan today it was fun. Went to a secretive Pagan shop today on the corner of Mass Ave and Newbury Street. If I need to get anything pierced that would also be the place to go. If I need any Wiccan Supplies that would be the place to go. I am glad it is there so I have the possiblites of getting it. It is not on the street level so you have to know about it so it is cool. Then the people that want to go there. So then me and Bryan went down Newbury and had tea at the Tealux. It was really good. I had Victorian Rose Tea and Bryan had Harvard Earl Gray. Had a good time and then we ventured to try and find Jack's Joke Shop from Family Guy references. Then we headed back to school. We hang out at my room for a while. I called Josh and talked to him for a while. He is so cute and I cant wait to go down and see him soon. Then afterwards I was hungry and wanted to get some food so we were going to go to the Berkshire Grill but they closed it. They are changing it into a Ground Round which blows. So we were walking around and decided on Chili's. I had a Margerita Grilled Tuna with Rice and fixin's. It was really good and i havent had good food in such a while. So then we left and then came home. I am now going to call Josh and talked to him. I have felt that it has been a good day I am satified and I have agreed with myself to limit my hours at work because life is not about work. I want the money but if you are so busy with work then you forget about the important things. The most important thing, youself.