Drabble Dump!!!

Nov 20, 2011 02:17

Tales to Tell (g)
fandom: SNSD, pairing: jessica/tiffany
dugeunsaranghae recommended Jason Mraz's song "Silent Love Song" which inspired this...also be sure to check out her livejournal ;).

When Tiffany first met her, she was serving her coffee ten thousand miles high from the ground. The perfume the lady wore was heavy when she leaned over and placed the polyester cup onto her table with a serviette on the side.

Her nametag read ‘Jessica.’

“Enjoy.” Jessica smiled, the lipstick on her mouth so very waxy red. And then she left, pushing the metal cart away to the next row, repeating the same formalities as she did before.

Tiffany went back to reading her novel, took quiet sips from her cup.

As the plane descended, she stole a glance and watched the girl in uniform sitting at the front staring out through the window, seemingly unfocused on any particular thing.

Kisschasy (g)
fandom: snsd, pairing: sunny/everyone
A/N Inspired by this video and thought Sunny Bunny was super duper cute.

Sunny steals kisses from Yuri because she likes seeing the nervous blush bloom across her cheeks to the tips of her ears from the sudden attention.

Sunny kisses Tiffany because Tiffany will squeal in that girlish, outraged but not really way and end up smiling like nothing could else could better her day.

Sunny tries to kiss Seohyun, most of the time she’s rejected, but when Seohyun is least suspecting Sunny steals a peck and gets a light smack on the arm in return. Sunny also knows that Seohyun secretly likes the attention.

Sunny kisses Yoona when they’re slightly tipsy on shots of soju. They dare each other into playing gay chicken and since they both hate losing, Sunny ends up kissing Yoona right on the lips. Yoona usually pulls back and laughs before downing another shot.

Sooyoung is so tall that when Sunny kisses Sooyoung on the nose, she tilts her head and stands on the tips of her toes to match her height.

Sunny has only kissed Hyoyeon once. “What is it like to kiss a girl?” Hyoyeon asks. Sunny grins, “Wouldn’t you like to know?” Hyoyeon senses the challenge and replies, “Would I?” Sunny presses her lips against Hyoyeon’s and when they part, Hyoyeon says, “Hm, it’s not much is it?” Of course, Sunny begs to differ.

Sunny tries to kiss Taeyeon, but the girl is shy. Sunny pouts and Taeyeon is hesitant, leans in, only to pull back just as their lips are about to meet. Sunny thinks there is hope yet.

Out everyone though, Sunny enjoys kissing Jessica the most. Sunny never has to try and steal a peck, because Jessica almost always kisses her first and when she doesn’t; Jessica kisses Sunny back with as much fervour, with feelings to return as well.

Bang Bang (g)
fandom: snsd, pairing: yuri/jessica
A/N Thanks to a very kind anon on kficrevolution who helped with some very detailed concrit for this.
Originally filled here.

Jessica has same high cheek bones she’s always had, still ties her hair in a high pony tail when she goes to the gym and wears the silver band on her index finger that Yuri gave her last Christmas.

Only inside, Jessica’s return to normalcy doesn’t work the way it’s supposed to. The problem is that Yuri knows too much but says too little, because there’s nothing to justify what she did or to make Jessica feel better about it. It sits like an elephant in the room, shows in the way Jessica holds Yuri’s hand, like maybe if she lets go, Yuri will run off again, so she invests less and doesn’t build herself up to disappointment.

Within the space of three months without Yuri, Jessica’s experienced more the world, has learnt that living without her other half is humanly possible. By the end, something intrinsically Jessica has shifted and Yuri can’t quite grasp it, despite Jessica insisting that nothing has changed.

“I still love you,” Jessica adamantly says to no one in particular.

Yuri wants to believe it, to believe Jessica’s always true to her word and would never lie to her. So, Yuri takes it for what it’s worth and accepts that Jessica really does love her, but just a little less than before.

With My Own Two Hands (g)-- title taken from Jack Johnson's song
fandom: SNSD, pairing: taeyeon/yuri
Originally filled here.

Taeyeon doesn’t quite have the physique to tower over Yuri and wrap her arms around her waist from behind, she wishes she were taller, just so she could. Nor can she punch the creep in the gut for leering at Yuri when they’re grocery shopping.

“If I could,’ Taeyeon pauses, eyeing the man from across the aisle, “I would.”

Yuri returns a glance, takes Taeyeon’s hand and leads her to another aisle. “I know,” she smiles, “Though I’m pretty sure I could fend for myself,” she winks.

Taeyeon fidgets with her thumbs, “I know, I’m just saying.”

Yuri chuckles in response and pushes Taeyeon toward the frozen food section.

Wouldn't it be nice (g)
fandom: SNSD, pairing: yoona/jessica
Originally filled here.

Usually kisses with Jessica don’t taste like anything but saliva. The only time they taste like anything is when Yoona stays the night. The next day, Jessica will walk in, hair dripping wet from her morning shower and leaves the slightest kiss on the corner of Yoona’s lips before heading off to work. In the mornings, Jessica’s kisses taste like spearmint toothpaste and Yoona thinks she wouldn’t mind waking up to them every day.

Black and Blue (pg)
fandom: F(x), Miss A, pairing: amber/suzy
Original filled here.

It's one day after filming when they're in the changing rooms. Everyone else has left and Amber comes out of the shower, with a towel wrapped around her body. Suzy knows she shouldn't stare, but she had wondered whether Amber was always that...flat.

Amber follows Suzy's gaze and stares down at her own chest. She laughs awkwardly, "Yeah." It's fuller than what most people imagine.

Caught, Suzy tears her eyes away and blushes, averting her gaze to a random tile on the floor, "Sorry," she mumbles.

"It's ok," Amber shrugs casually, like it's nothing new...because now that Suzy's thought about it, it probably isn't.

She walks to her locker and pulls out a long piece of material.

"Um," Suzy hears from afar. "...Do you mind, I mean, you don't have to if it's weird, but yeah..." Amber says showing her the safety pins in her palm.

"Oh," Suzy drops her brush into her make up kit and walks over, "Ok."

Amber peels her towel away and wraps her arm around her breasts, Suzy tries her best to look away but it's hard when she tells Amber to lift her arms up so she can start the binding.

They don't say much in between, except for when Suzy runs her finger along a patch of bare skin where the binding has left ridges, "Does it hurt?"

Amber grimaces, "A little," she says, "But it makes me feel...more like me." Suzy steps back when she's finished.

"Thanks," Amber says when she pulls a tee over her head, "It's hard doing it on my own sometimes."

Suzy nods with a smile, "I can imagine," she replies curtly and quietly returns to her locker, cheeks flushed with silent embarrassment.

fanwork: fanfiction, pairing: jessica/tiffany, fandom: miss a, pairing: yoona/jessica, pairing: yuri/jessica, pairing: taeyeon/yuri, fandom:snsd, fandom: f(x), pairing: amber/suzy, pairing: sunny/everyone

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