Guess Who Batman

Feb 02, 2011 19:15


Cartoon Heroes- Aqua

By day, Taeyeon’s a plain Jane, working a proper job in a cramped office, earning enough for a modest living. By night, she’s a masked avenger jumping from building to building, keeping crime at bay.

She’s cool, calm and collected and rarely makes the wrong move but last night she slipped up.

Awakened by the angry pressing of horns from the morning traffic by her apartment building, she greets her day with a groan. Her body is bruised and battered; she aches all over, especially by her waist that is wrapped with a bandage where a shard of glass had embedded into.

Cursing aloud, she remembers what exactly happened to have her body in this state.

Taeyeon gets dressed, pushing a pair of glasses up the bridge of her nose, tying her hair back into a tight bun, trying her best to work her way back into anonymity. She brings her hand up to the split on her lip and wonders what kind of excuse she'll have to make up to her colleagues this time round; maybe she'll say that she walked into a wall, they'd probably believe it anyway.

She heads out to work after buying the morning paper, tucking it under her arm with a bagel in her one hand and a latte in her other.

When she settles in her office, she manages to find time to read the newspaper. The main article's title reads ''Batgirl No. 1 Suspect in Bank Robbery'.

On her lunch break she takes a seat on a bench in Central Park and takes a bite out of her sandwich.

The old men play chess as the radio plays by their side.

The chief commissioner of the police in Manhattan has issued a warrant for her arrest.

She loses her appetite and places her unfinished sandwich back into her paper bag.

Now that the day’s ended, she stands in the crowded subway.

“I always knew she was shifty,” a schoolgirl remarks.

“Who? Batgirl? Didn’t she save your life?”

She scoffs without giving an answer.

Taeyeon grits her teeth in response and stares at her glossy reflection on the window of the subway door.

Its 7 o’clock and Taeyeon sits by her couch. She’s not used to doing nothing at this hour and every part of her itches to grab her costume from the wardrobe and make use of it, but she wills herself to stay put.

The people have spoken; they don’t want her to be their hero.

So tonight she stays at home, and lets chaos run this town. She raises a glass to the night sky from her window and makes herself a celebratory toast.

It’s her way of saying ‘fuck you’ to the world in the most moral way she can think of.

Standing in the Way of Control- The Gossip

In this lifetime, Taeyeon’s just a normal school girl.

It’s recess and Taeyeon fidgets thinking of a better way to say what’s been on her mind for awhile now. Her best friend, Tiffany, looks at her expectantly and wonders what’s taking so long.

“I’m gay,” she blurts out.

She leaves out the part where she’s meant to say she used to harbour a major crush Tiffany, which has long since passed now.

Tiffany looks at her confused, and noticeably shifts uneasily away from her. The girl doesn’t say much to comfort Taeyeon and switches the conversational topic like she nothing’s happened.

During lunch Taeyeon refuses to sit next to Tiffany and eat their lunch like they normally do. She’s incredibly annoyed that Tiffany’s refusing to acknowledge what’s a part of her. So now, she puts on her best ‘screw you’ face and hopes that Tiffany gets the picture.

Tiffany does and she sits two tables away, eyeing her every now and then when Taeyeon’s not looking.

For the rest of the week, Taeyeon makes a conscious effort not to speak to her.

When they do speak again, Taeyeon keeps everything impersonal and precise. Just because she gives in easily, doesn’t mean she’s forgiven Tiffany. They talk about school work and how the weather’s been and nothing really of actual substance.

After school, Tiffany walks with Taeyeon to the bus shelter. They wait in silence for the bus to arrive and Tiffany’s the first to initiate some kind of proper conversation.

“Look, I’m sorry.”

“For?” Taeyeon replies coldly.

“You know the gay thing.”

Taeyeon purses her lips; not completely ready to forgive her just yet.

She kicks the dirty underneath her, looking down coyly, “If it’s any consolation I like ketchup with my eggs.”

Her ears perk up, and Taeyeon doesn’t quite believe what she’s just heard.


“I like ketchup on eggs.”

“And what has that got to do with anything?”

Tiffany shrugs her shoulders, “Nothing really. You like girls in that way and I like ketchup on my eggs. Kinda things you think are weird at first but figure it’s normal, sooner or later.”

Taeyeon finally works out that it’s Tiffany’s weird way of saying that it’s okay to be gay.

With an arm over her shoulder, Tiffany asks, “So we’re friends again?”

“Yeah,” Taeyeon responds.

“And you know that I love you no matter who you are, where you’re from and what you’ve done, right?”

“Did you or did you not just quote the Backstreet Boys?”

Tiffany responds with a toothy smile and kisses her on the side of her head. It’s weird because Taeyeon used desperately want Tiffany to say that to her for a completely different reason. Now, she’s perfectly complacent with Tiffany loving her unconditionally just as a friend and for that; she wouldn’t have it any other way.

Lisztomania- Phoenix

These girls, they’re gruff, foul-mouthed, tattoo bearing experimental new age punk rockers that wear ripped tank tops under studded leather jackets and fishnet stockings with Doc Martens.

Every weekend they work the nightclub scene, watching their favourite gigs, playing their tunes under green strobe lights, in flashy, outrageous outfits.

No, they don’t go to school or work; they’re reckless youths lost without a cause.

This is the world where Tiffany actually likes Taeyeon in that way.

Taeyeon floats over the crowd, surfing her way through the mosh pit. They’re sweaty, reek like they came from the pits of hell and they’re obnoxiously loud and she fucking loves it. To her, this is what rock n roll should be; theatrics, screaming fans and singing like you just don’t give a shit.

They push her back on stage and she finishes it off with a primal scream to end their performance with a climax.

Her band leaves the set and they loiter backstage. Tiffany, the flautist (yes, you read right) in the band comes up to Taeyeon and pinches her cheeks, like it’s the most punk rock thing to do.

“Quite the little rock star out there, weren’t you?”  her girlfriend mocks playfully.

Taeyeon smacks her hand away and gives her the eye.

Poking out her tongue, Tiffany continues, “If I didn’t know any better, you could make a cutie sell out pop startlet."

Impossible, Taeyeon would never ever, ever let that happen and she gives Tiffany a soft punch for making such an outlandish statement.

Taeyeon scoffs, “Screw you!”

“Oh, you know I will,” Tiffany replies with a devious curl to her lips that are coated blood red.

Taeyeon pauses, and tilts her head, brows furrowed.

“Wait, that doesn’t make sen-.”

And before Taeyeon can retort, Tiffany has her mouth pressed hard against hers.

The crowd whistles and woos when Taeyeon comes back on stage with a confident charm that was less pronounced the first time round, not to mention the bruised kissed lips and heart shaped love bites behind her ear and neck.


So....anyway this is...pretty rough, hope you liked it anyway. I was inspired by a little conversation I had with lacrymaspinta about badass Taeyeon- well she thinks that Taeyeon is badass and I have to agree.

Ok so I made Taeyeon Batgirl, but here's some SpiderTaeng and her Mary Jane for you all.


新年快乐! Or...Happy Chinese/Korean/Tibetan/Vietnamese/Mongolian New Year...just in case ^^.

pairing: taeyeon/tiffany, fanfic

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