Title: We Can Never Die (1/?)
submissivecharmCharacters/Pairing: Jack Harkness & Claire Bennett, featuring Noah Bennett; Sandra Bennett; Lyle Bennett; The Hatian; Angela Petrelli, & Ianto Jones with possible Peter Peterlli, Nathan Peterlli, Gwen Cooper, Owen Harper, Toshiko Sato, & Sylar in later chapters. Jack/Claire.
Rating: PG in this chapter;
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Comments 1
EEEEEEE, I love it! I love the entire premise, actually. All day at work Sunday I was amusing myself with the thought, 'What happens when the indestructible cheerleader meets the man who can never die?' It was more LOLZ-y, but you get the point. LOL
It's a fantastic start, I can't wait to see where it goes!
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