so we get to the beach and we see this red 2005 convertiable mustang gt. fucking sweet, i know. but the lisence plate reads "tanman" so we laugh about it as we walk up to the beach. we get there and about 20 ft. away from is is this man about mid 40's ish tanning on his side by himself and occasionally wondering around the beach. we all make fun of him and say "well theres our tan man!" so as we are leaving the beach we see him getting into the convertable mustang. that is thee one and only, tanman.
we played some vball.
we made a sand castle.
we even had a picinic!
gosh i like to wave!
and this is jimmy (after my dad, of course)
kitty likes to crawl all over me when i'm typing. it's quite adorable if you ask me. my parents will NOT EVER give this kitty away. no way, i'll hide him.
sorry for the massive amounts of pictures. but i had fun :)
i'm red, i'm so red. omg. i will be so tan hahahha. i love summer so far is fucking sweet. gym is being continued this monday and then every other day after that. i will be tone & stuff.