Coffee makes me want to strip. For serious.
'Kay so. I stayed home from my therapy appointment because the night before I was horribly sick. Andrew brought me home after he got off work that night. And he had had tacos for lunch. Anyone that knows me knows that I HATE TACOS. And he was all in my face while I was practically puking in my mouth. He found it just hilarious. Well, I held my dinner in until we got to my house. I got out of the car and shut the door and Andrew asked me to lock the passenger door for him. That's when the feeling hit me for the 535345th time. I took like two steps and bent over to yank. Of course Andrew had no idea wtf I was doing, so he came over and stooped with me and put his hand on my back. He asked what was wrong and I was like "duhh i have to puke." I bent over a little more and barfed. Well, he believed I was sick after it finally come up. Asshole. Anyway, I still felt horrible the next day and I still feel bad today and he brought me home Monday night. :[
Andrew's going to see Bury Your Dead and a few other bands tonight at Tremont with Josh.
Jessie is coming Sunday.
Next weekend I'm going to get David to stay again.
I still have yet to see Saw 3 because Andrew practically spends his money before he makes it and I can't find a blasted job.
I played The Sims 2 for two days straight. Of course with a little mohawk guy named Andrew and a little black haired skankly dressed female named Alice. They got engaged, then had an engagement party of TWO PEOPLE, and then got hitched. They WooHoo'ed yesterday in the hotub and Alice got preggo. And then popped out a baby. It was a boy. I named him Frank. Mom thinks I named him Frank after the rabbit on Donnie Darko. I named him Frank after Frank motherfucking Iero. Andrew is a getaway driver [criminal] and Alice is still a fucking test subject because she got her dumbass self demoted. I uploaded a few videos&pictures
here and
here. lolzzzzzzzzz
My tummy hurts and this coffee sure didn't help it. Pffft.