101 in 1001

Sep 28, 2010 10:11

My 101 list

Family & Friends
001. Visit my aunt once a month. [0/33]
002. Send out birthday cards on time.
003. Spend time with Nana.
004. Call my friends once a week.
005. Remove ‘friends’ from my life.

006. Stick to my monthly budget. [0/33]
007. Keep a finance notebook to track my spending.
008. Order take out once a month. [0/33]
009. Pay off 25% of my school loans.

Lifestyle Changes
010. Lose a min of 80 pounds in 2008.
011. Start my health journal. healthyjourneys
012. Start a handwritten Gratitude journal.
013. Create and stick to the five rules of my health journal for one month.
014. Find an accountability partner.
015. Walk one mile twice a week for 3 months... adding one day every two weeks up to 6 days. [0/60]

Spiritual Growth
016. Attend church every Sunday for 3 months. [0/13]
017. Attend church every Sunday for 6 months. [0/26]
018. Study the Bible a min of twice a week.
019. Pray/meditate a min. of twice a week.

020. Learn Intarsia.
021. Knit my first sweater.
022. Take a bookbinding class with Bridget Bullen.
023. Buy a SLR manual camera.
025. Take photography classes at Project Basho.
026. Take a drawing class at the Fleisher Art Memorial Center.
027. Take a crochet class at The Tangled Web.
028. Make a photo album for my church.
029. Make a small accordion photo book for myself.
030. Buy a SLR digital camera.

031. Finish my Bachelor’s degree.
032. Find an entry level position 6 months after graduation.
033. Start Graduate school after working for 2 years.
034. Improve my grammar skills.
035. Learn one new word a month to improve my vocabulary.

036. Visit The Philadelphia Museum of Art.
037. Visit the Mutter Museum.
038. Visit the Morris Arboretum esp for the 2008 Fall festival.
039. See at least 2 plays in Philadelphia a year. [0/6]
040. See a Broadway show.
041. Visit MOMA in New York City.
042. Visit the African American Museum in Philly.

043. Replace light bulbs with energy efficient bulbs.
044. Start Strength training once a week. Starting: April 2008.
045. Volunteer once a month at Wayne Hall. Starting: Fall 2008.
046. Visit the doctor at least once a month.

047. Get some Neutrogena or something and take better care of my skin.
048. Do two things to clean/organize the house everyday.
049. Write down every single morsel of food that I eat every single day.
050. Write down at least 2 things I’m grateful for in my journal.
051. Write in my livejournal at lease twice a week.

Yay! Fun!!
052. Join the 50 movie challenge for 2008.
053. Go to the movies one a month. Review movies in my journal. [0/33]
054. Go to two concerts a year. [0/6]
055. Read 2 books a month in 2008. [0/66]
056. Join the 50 books challenge in 2009.
057. Join a Knit-Along in 2009.

Just Because I Wanna...
058. Beat Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.
059. Beat Kingdom Hearts 2.
060. Make a pair of earrings and a matching necklace/bracelet.
061. Rock some 3” and higher heels.
062. Get a manicure once a month.
063. Make an Aran Panel Blanket for my Grandmother.
064. Watch Battlestar Galactica.

065. Spend a weekend in NYC.
066. Visit my cousins in Arkansas.
067. Spend a weekend in Atlantic City.
068. Go to Memphis in 2009.
069. Go To Virginia Beach.
070. Go to Bahamas.

Face the Fear!
071. Sing Karaoke.
072. Speak in public.
073. Go dancing.
074. Write the cheesy novel length Mary Sue-esque Nsync fan fiction story that’s been in my head for 4 years!
075. Never EVER let it see the light of day.

076. Create a filing system for my papers.
077. Clean bedroom thoroughly for Spring cleaning.
078. Work on resume.
079. Get glasses.
079. Get a new computer desk.

Home Improvement
080. Redecorate bedroom.
081. Redecorate small office.
082. Gets rugs cleaned.
083. Clean out basement.
084. New television for living room.
085. Restock kitchenware.

Never Say Never
086. Get a tattoo.
087. Meet Jeff Goldblum and get a hug.
088. Learn Spanish.
089. Visit London for a week.
090. Visit my Aunt in California.
091. Meet Dolly Parton!

So Doable!
092. Get a new wardrobe after 50 pounds.
093. Plan a big soirée for Nana’s 90th birthday complete with jugglers and big band.
094. Eat a full breakfast every morning.
095. Find a pen pal.
096. Organize and sort through my recipes.
097. Create a most wanted DVD list.
098. Relearn web design.
099. Learn Adobe Photoshop.
100. Create a new website.
101. Do one hour of volunteer work for every item not completed.
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