Well im glad LJ is back on now i can vent a little Im so pissed off at the world right now...
my mom is being a bitch Ive been doing so much better in school i accually tell her where im going and ask to do stuff i know u guys are like .. well duh so do most people.. but i use to not tell my mom anything i would just go and do stuff but we had a talk over xmas break and I told her id start asking instead of doing. Well thats what ive been doing .. asking. and it seems like she says no to everything she like gives me the same curfew as ive had since i was 7 "be home b4 dark" what the hell is that!! she wont let me stay the night anywhere when we have a 3 day weekend. shes taking the whole thing way out of hand by telling me no to ever thing i ask and its pissing me off she just wants me to stay home and play house with the famliy and smile and play board games while she makes dinner and we all talk about how fucking happy we are to have eachother. Im sorry maybe im a bad person but i do not want to sit there and hang out with the family on my weekend. Especially when were not even going to all they do is sit in the garage and get high while i sit on this computer and sleep cause there is nothing better to do. ugh i hate my life i wish i could have my little bit of freedom that I use to have. well this made me feel a little better.. ok maybe not but it did when i was typing and since i have nothing else to bitch about I guess im going to go to sleep cause i have shit else to do..
thanks for being there guys