I won week#10 over at avatar_contest! (I don't know how to do that cool link thingy. Sorry) Anyways, here is it. I even got a prize. :) Even if I wasn't very proud of this one...oh well. Here ya go. BTW! Go join the contests! There's a prompt every week! Go participate!
Title: Lake of Lies
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Joo Dee
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 185
notes: Written quickly with limited attenion due to time. But, I do like the meaning behind this one. The writing? Eh, not so much.
She begs to be saved.
Between her gasps to breathe, between the moments she rips at her hair and chest, clawing for a way out of this prison, she is begging to be saved. Her eyes widened as they walked her down the long, blank hallway, the sound of her labored pleads matching her footsteps. This was where her chest tightened like a ball in the pit of her stomach that never went away and the uncontrollable pain hurts so much, and this is where she swore everything went inside out and she’s begging-(“No, no please! Not this! I can’t take it anymore!”)- and begging for a chance to escape this life.
But that light, that big bright light is back, and it’s the only thing that can stop her from ripping herself inside out. So she gives up the fight that cannot be won, if only just for today. Something clicks inside her, a hypnotic drum, and the voice that is screaming, ripping, and screaming silences. She has no choice.
"The Earth King has invited you to Lake Laogai."
Joo Dee smiled.
Here's what I won. Isn't it pretty? Made by cheezmonk. Credit goes to them only!