Whats new everyone. I havent updated this mofo in SOOO long,. And SOME people have been telling me I need to update. Nothing much has been new.
Today we had a bomb threat!
Some asshat thought it would be a gas to call the school and say a bomb would explode in the school in 48 hours. So the administration searched the school and found nothing. Yup.. So we're going to school tomarrow nonetheless. What the fuck people.. What the fuck,, Thats a WEE bit um.. BAD if you ask me. You dont send kids to school the day after a bomb threat just cause you couldnt find anything.
Speaking of school i'm thinking of dropping out and getting my G.E.D and just be done with it.
But I never post without a picture so here you go.
Thats Right! I bought a lightsaber for $120! It looks so real! And me and macon figured out it freaks out cars... We rule.