i know i haven't updated in a long time. i've been so busy with work and getting everything ready for school. okay so i went school shopping and i only got 2 shirts. i tried on about 20 pairs of jeans NO lie and none of them fit me. if majority of the americans in the united states weren't so fat maybe i could find a pair of jeans that actually fit me. it also sucks because i'm short. size 0 shorts used to fit me perfectly and now they are so big so i can't find any jeans. i even tried 00 and STILL those were too big. this sucks major. school starts on friday...boo! barry's first day of school was today. he says everyone loves his
okay that's not really him. he just has that same exact tattoo with out the rosary beads and that yellow thing at the bottom. he has it on his forearm like the inner part. it looks damn sexy. i start my driving hours next saturday. i should actually have my license by now, but i have been a lazy shit and have got nothing done. i also don't have a car, but atleast i am working to buy one.