Jan 12, 2012 21:13

In case anyone missed it:

I am leaving LJ entirely.

As much as I dislike relocating, I dislike having my stuff spread across multiple sites even more.  Since Poly is relocating to DW, so am I.  I still think that DW has its issues, but I really appreciate how the people running it treat the masses; that's worth something.

I don't want to lose any friends while making this jump, so here's where I'll be:

Personal journal (not_as_it_is) on DW
--This is going to be the replacement for this journal, pretty much.  I do intend to journal more regularly, though.
Plurk (cheatreality)
--I'm on here a lot.  Really.
DeviantArt accout (DarlingV)
--I forget to check it, but I always get around to it?
ArchiveofourOwn (DarlingV)
--This is assuming I write more fandom stuff.

I also have a Goodreads account, a twitter account, an email address, and, for the really old-school, a mailing address, so let me know if you've a mind to get in touch that way?

Well, LJ.  We've had a run of almost six years, but the People At the Top are making it hard to stay.

I hope I'll be chatting with everyone elsewhere. <3
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