If you don't wanna read the whole thing, feel free to skip to the end?

Oct 08, 2009 00:46

I hate life.

Besides that, here are some pictures!

Guess what?  We've acquired a new foster.  I know, that happens kind of a lot.  This one's the same size as Gabriel and found in the same field, so we're kind of assuming that they're siblings.  This one's a little boy, too.  So we have the three older girls from one litter (Amelia, Marble, and Lucyfur) and the two younger boys.  Gabriel and his sibling are getting on well, and the new baby doesn't cry nearly as much as his brother.  Also, pictures.

Marble has a ladder.

A terrible picture of Lucy.  She doesn't like having her picture taken.

Pretty little Amelia, who is the sweetest kitten in the history of ever.

Gabriel, one of the littler babies.  He has such pretty blue eyes.

The new baby, who is too precious for words.  He has quite the voice, though, and when he's not looking sad or being snuggled, he can be kind of wicked.

Little Miss Ziggy Stardust, kitten from the last batch and number four on our permanent-cats roster.  She has the most unique look, and she has a personality to match it.  I love her to bits.

She was posing so nicely.

So those are the kitties.  The five kids are very needy, and the three oldest ones enjoy scaling people.  Gabriel is the loudest and the most likely to escape; Lucyfur is the most likely to sit on your lap nicely and then, without warning, attack your face.  They're all lovely, though, and it's nice to get swarmed by kittens when I go out to the porch.

Other things, however, are less nice.  I'm sick--yes, again.  But Veda, I thought you were sick before?  I was, and now I have... something.  Probably a virus, likely not The Plague (or swine flu, but I like calling it The Plague).  Schoolwork is going to eat me alive, which leads quite nicely to the next unpleasant thing: It's full-hiatus time for Poly.  I hate to do it and being away is going to freak me out, but I've shown myself that I lack the self-control to do a partial hiatus with any kind of success.  I'll probably post a note about it in the OOC comm tomorrow, but... heads up.  I suppose it's not earth-shaking or amazing, but I feel bad when I'm not as active as I feel I should be.  Especially with Penny.  Penny should know everyone in the City by now.  But... ah.  Yes.  I'll shove myself into my studying hole until the evening of October 15.  That's the magic day when all of the mid-semester papers and exams happen, and, with being behind a bit due to illness (and not just today--I've been worthless all week), I have some Serious Business to attend to.

Stupid school.  Don't even know what I'll do with degrees in philosophy and British literature.  But that's enough complaining about that, as complaining rarely makes anything better.

To end this on a happy note!  I found monkeys.  Well... a "Monkeys and Apes Toob."  There are two lemurs in there, which bothers me more than it should--lemurs being neither monkeys nor apes--but monkeys have been secured.  My first two papers of the semester went well, also--happy news!  An A for the History of English class paper (better, perhaps, than I anticipated, since I slammed the article out at the last minute and have no idea what's going on in that class, as the teacher is a little insane), an amazing and unexpected A+ for my first paper for Darcy.  I love Darcy; he has a reputation for being the hardest paper-grader in the English department, but I've never had any trouble with him.  We seem to be on the same wavelength, and... oh, he's an adorable man.  Adorable in a I-live-under-my-desk-and-keep-a-miniature-version-of-the-OED-in-my-bag-no-really kind of way.  The essay was on "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock."  It was quite short and, just for kicks--and because I know that at least a couple of you like the poem--I posted it here.  Darcy gave me the kindest comments on it, and... awa.  Reading his comments made my day.  He apparently thinks I'm much cleverer than I am, bless his Shakespeare-loving little heart.

Here's the quick version, then, for anyone who doesn't really want to read all of that: I have kittens and they are sweet; school and life are evil, but I have monkeys and good grades thus far; Poly hiatus (full!) until October 15.  Tell your friends.  Do a blog.  Say it was terrible.

I'll be checking this journal and my flist to make sure everyone's okay in the meanwhile.  Please try to be okay, and don't disappear in the next week?  It's a stupid insecurity, but... meh.

Oh!  Before I forget... I want to send out Christmas cards to People Who Are Friends this holiday season.  They'll be handmade, so don't get your hopes up too far. ;)  If you would like a card and don't mind shooting me a private message with your address (along with anything that would help me make a card you'll like--favorite color, characters, whatever floats your boat), you will go on my List.  The List doesn't exist yet, but it will.

...I think that's it.  I have a bunch of other stuff to get out of my head, but I do believe that will need to wait.  I hope you're all doing well!

real life, kittens make things better, flist, monkeys, poly, plague!, college, fyi, humanity sucks

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