home again, home again

Aug 10, 2005 01:16

5 extra hours of busted plane wheels, changing gates, missing connecting flights, having those flights delayed further from terrible thunderstorms in phoenix (of all places), nasty turbulance in the middle of lightning before san antonio, and 10 mph permitting downpours on the way home. but home! we're finally home! don't get me wrong, fantastic vacation, but definitely could have been shortened by 3 days. more on that tomorrow when my body has refueled on sufficient sleep and the agitation of my mother's new-found 'baby talk' voice wears off.
ugghh i feel gross. parents are infamous snackers on vacations therefore constant provisions were available at all times. to quote my dear bridget jones (who's diary entries kept me entertained for my airport residency):
"Now, though, I feel ashamed and repulsive. I can actually feel the fat splurging out from my body. Never mind. Sometimes you have to sink to a nadir of toxic fat envelopment in order to emerge, phoenix-like, from the chemical wasteland as a purged and beautiful Michelle Pfieffer figure. Tomorrow new Spartan health and beauty regime will begin."

brilliant jones, brilliant.
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