Jul 02, 2005 22:33
well first of all. let me just say... I LOVEEE SUMMER. love love lovvvvvvve. :-)
its been soo long. let me seee. .
well tuesday night i got backk from lake placid with my family n kate. <3 lots of funn thurr. wasnt there too long but it was perfect cuz it was nice to go away but nice to come back. if that makes sense. i dunno. but yeah. it was good.
lex n ash left yesterday to go to myrtle beach.
yesterday me nic n kate went to the mall. which was kinda torture cuz i have nooooo money. its horrible not being able to buy stuff. but i dunno i guess being with them made up for it. lol. cuz it was some good times there too. i love those girlss. they make me smile.
i was soo bored this morning that i decided to clean out my closet. (makes me think of eminem everytime..) n i thought humm well ill put on the parent trap (cuz i sweat that movie.. not gonna lie) figuring id be done in like 2 hours anyway.. well yeah nooo. took allllll day. ALL DAY. i have a lot more clothes than i thought. but yeah im basically done now n i do feel pretty accomplished. so thats good i guess. plus i have a little extra room in the bottom of my closet now so im thinkin ill go hide in there n scare casey. lol. nahh. she'd kill me. welll. haha. no. i wouldnt do that to her. she would be madd. but yeah i do think im gonna sit in there. reminds me of my childhood or somethin. lol. some good times in that closet.
n yeah so while cleaning i found all this stuff. it was greaaat. i thought that i lost this black little snappy jacketity thing n i was really sad cuz it loved it. couldnt find it like all year. n yeah. i found it! haha. it was hanging up in my closet??!? tell me how i didnt see it. i dont kno cuz i def looked a million times. guess its kinda small. but i go in there all the time. n it wasnt that messy. just kinda crowded. but yeah so that made me happy. plus i found like all this stuff from 8th grade n 42nd street n last summer n other stuff that made me smile. i also found a journal i wrote like back in the day (too lazy to keep one now a days.. ) n yeahh. omg have i changed.
maybe some town is doing their fireworks tonight? cuz i have been hearing them like all night outside my room. i kinda wanted to go out n find them. (lovvvve fireworks.. ) but i was trapped into my room by barricades of clothes.
so since the parent trap ended n i was still workin in my room i watched that live 8 concert on mtv like all day. haha. good god those commercials they had with the actors talkin about kids in africa dying every 3 seconds n they are all snapping. reall deep. i felt it.
speaking of commericals.. tell me why i love that commmerical with the guy n its playin that song.. it goes like: OUT OF PICTURE. OUT OF THE FRAME. AND NOW WHEN YOU SEE ME. NOTHINGS THE SAME. . yeah somethin like that. n i guy is just like framing his face n yeah. i cant describe it. but its sooo cool. so amusing. seen it like a kabazillion times n it hasnt gotten old. really amazes me. yeah does anyone kno what im talkin about?
wow this is prob realllllllly long. my badd.
i kinda judge you a little bit if you read it all. hah. but i do appreciate it. gold star for you :-)
happy 4th of july almost :-)