Horse Out of Fucking Nowhere

Aug 08, 2009 23:36

So there I was just driving down the road at 11 PM in my podunk little hometown, taking a friend back to his house when BAM! Fucking horse out of nowhere! I had to slam on my brakes to stop from hitting it. This lady is walking her horse at 11 PM and this bitch has the nerve to be pissed at me because I spooked the goddamn thing. I'm sorry that it's pitch fucking black out and you're walking in the middle of a road and not even wearing a reflective vest of some sort. Seriously, who does that?

And then I'm sitting in the driveway talking to my friend and discussing flailing. I told him I had to tone it down around him because I'm afraid I'm going to hit and hurt him and then he'd be pissed but he said life would be more enjoyable if I hit him more (kinky much?) and I got all sentimental and we went to hug and I accidently hit my face on his and gave him a bloody nose. What a tragic day it was.


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