Last time, the heir was decided to be a double heir between Ikea and Gaylord. We had babies and we had stalkers and patch update fun for the whole family!
Any great legacy update starts with mild child abuse. Karst is not pleased. He is sad, lonely, and stuck in a girls room. How worse can life get?
Ikea: "Jordan! How I've missed you!"
Jordan: "It's absolutely FABULOUS to see you darling!"
Ikea has decided that theJerk isn't worth it. She's much rather move on to someone who would actually treat her like she feels she should be treated.
Ikea: "In my excitement, I failed to notice what you are wearing. What are you wearing?"
Jordan: "You'll never believe it! I got this on super sale. Three for the price of one!"
Ikea: *There was a reason for that, but I will behave.*
Jordan: "You look tense, here let me loosen you up a bit.."
Ikea: *We have a winner right here!*
These are what I like to call the Lime Bedroom Eyes. Ikea will be a master of these before this legacy is over.
Emerson must be getting old. He missed a divine opportunity to crash his daughters romantic advances.
Emerson: "I am not."
Oh really?
Emerson: "These are peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I'm using cheese, and tomato, and guacamole. These are sure to be a special treat, tee-hee!"
Pure evil, Em. Pure evil.
These are the Bridges Bedroom Eyes. They are slightly less potent than the far superior Lime Bedroom Eyes.
You know what they did. If you don't, well... It was naughty, I will tell you that.
Immediately after the deed was done, Ikea goes to cuddle her baby Justice.
Ikea: "I just cheated on your dad, baby Justice. It was sweet, sweet justice."
Jordan comes downstairs and takes an immediate liking to Karst. He must be family-oriented. What a catch! If only Ikea had fallen for you first...
Karst: "Da-da??"
No Karst. He isn't your Father. Your Father is busy with his career.
Tatiana: "This is the home-shopping channel Justice. All women in this family love to shop here."
Training at an early age. We haz it.
Tatiana: "Oh bother. I'll never get promoted at work now."
July does not like losing.
July: "Just you wait game, I will reprogram you someday and make it so I never lose!"
Emerson: "This birthday fun time cake. It is not mine. I am saddened."
Emerson still adores birthday time. It's time for little Justice to grow up!
Justice is .... A BOY? Quick Gaylord, this is a scoop and is sure to get you promoted! mean she's just a really fug girl? Oh. :(
Karst: "I'm not ugly. I'm adorable! :D"
Just a little reminder to self that my children aren't always ugly.
Well she at least cleans up to look like baby Basch #4178. I swear I am going to marry someone absolutely atrocious so I can get some variation.
Justice likes to dance. See the dancing? It's dancing, not neglect. I swear.
Karst: "Food. NOW."
Emerson: "Now that isn't how a young gentlemen is supposed to act..."
Em, you did the exact same thing but in a much more girlish hairdo.
Karst: "Food time, please?" :D :D :D
Emerson: "Atta-boy!"
Karst: "Mmmmm! Tasties!"
Apparently this was the first time he's seen food in year.
Justice: "Hungwy!"
Tatiana: *This isn't my child, why do I have to feed it?*
Ikea: "Sinclair? Hi, remember me? I'm the mother of your child. -- Yes, you have a child. Anyways, could you come over for a bit? We need to talk."
Emerson: *This is gonna be good. *
Ikea, bypassing greetings, immediately begins to rip Sinclair TheJerk a new one.
Ikea: "I haven't seen or heard from you in ages and you just show up looking like a... like a.. wookie!"
Sinclair: "Babe, Wookies are brown. Your insults, they sting."
Ikea: "This is all some big game for you. Some big, hilarious joke. WELL I HAVE YOU KNOW, I slept with another man and it was AMAZING. He was a million times better than you could HOPE TO BE."
That got him.
Ikea: "I mean it was just so massive. And he was very, very talented. Oh and by the way, it's over between us, jerk."
Sinclair: "Whoa whoa whao, I get it. Too much detail, but forget you. I never even liked you anyways."
Ikea: "If I could rip your heart out, I would do it in a heartbeat and stomp it into the ground and then use it as fertalizer in Dad's garden. But that might kill the plants since your heart is so COLD AND BLACK."
Sinclair: "What the hell is WRONG with you?!?"
Ikea: "You want to say that again? I am trying with all my might to not physically assault you right here right now."
Sinclair: "You are such a bitch!"
Ikea: "You want to stay that again, asshole?"
Sinclair: ....
Ikea: The road is that way, please see that you take it.
Sinclair: ...
And thus, her romance with Sinclair was short-lived and now over. She was free to..
Move into the arms, lips, and secret dirty places with a new love.
Ikea: "I know I made a mistake, but if you'll have me...."
That's a yes~!
Too bad our house is packed and you can't come. :3
Justice and Karst get along well. They both apparently like to wear yellow by default. Red block team versus blue block team. Good versus evil. Heir #1 versus Heir #2. They are already drawing the lines, and they are still in diapers.
Tatiana continues to care for Justice by teaching her her basics. Right now, she is teaching her the basics of labor.
Where is the concerned family...?
Gaylord: "This is the third one, she has this and I have this article due for work tomorrow ."
Ikea: "Chess is much more fun when your special someone is there to play with you..." :(
Tatiana: "But I am fucking having the time of my life, let me tell you."
It's a girl, and her name is Liberty. She is good and artistic.
Liberty and Justice in one legacy. Harhar. You can't have both, unless the heir poll is a tie but this is neither the time nor the place.
While I thought Gaylord was celebrating the birth of his third child,he apparently was just throwing himself a solo birthday party. He can do his own party tricks and everything.
July was having her birthday in the other room~~!
July: "Hmmm.. what to wish for?"
July: "I wish to be beautiful, and stunning, and able to wow all the men to my side!"
I will be honest here. I almost died. I frantically canceled all cake action to get her to the mirror of salvation ASAP.
it is amazing what a pair of tweezers, a new hair-style, and some makeup will do. She cleaned up very well and is nothing like that image I want burned from my memory. Her old look worked much better with being an angler though.
12 points Total My game still isn't working right since the last patch. The game functions, but its very, very, very slow. Sims are just sluggish to respond. It makes me very sad. :( I removed all of my one mods and it didn't help in the slightest. I would remove my CC, but a Sims game without CC is just ugly and miserable. I'd rather not play at all. =X
We'll see when I'll be able to play and update again. Hopefully soon. ;_;
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