Happy Birthday, sshg316!

Mar 16, 2009 19:12

Thanks so much for your kindness, friendliness, and everything you do for the SSHG community!  Hope your day is great, my dear.

I even managed a birthday ficlet for you, which doesn't happen often!

Title:  A Capricious Hobby
Characters:  Severus and Hermione
Word Count:  About 400 words
Rating:  PG, perhaps PG-13 for implications
A/N:  Not mine; the characters belong to JKR.  I hope she will forgive a possibly disrespectful comment in this story.  We all know that reading and writing fanfiction is a changeable and capricious activity.  Severus is finding that out as well.  Enjoy the fluff.  Not betaed; any mistakes are mine alone.

Severus sat in the sitting room of their quarters grading essays. Suddenly, there was a crash in the bathroom adjoining their bedroom, followed by Hermione’s muttered “Evanesco.” Severus’s sensitive nose picked up the scent of jasmine.

Ah, so it was going to be one of those evenings. He sighed. At one point, Severus had suggested that perhaps Hermione should discontinue her new hobby since it often frustrated and angered her, but his wife’s determination to be thorough in her research could not be swayed. And quite often her research produced extremely positive results, as he was well aware.

In fact, it was the extremely positive results that persuaded him to keep his opinions to himself regarding Hermione’s new obsession with reading as much SSHG fanfiction as she could find. Often the results were as they obviously must be this afternoon: Hermione would find herself frustrated by poor plotting, grammar, spelling, or characterization. Particularly poor characterization would incite her fury, and she would occasionally even break things. Severus shuddered as he remembered her reaction to what that Rowling woman had written!

On the other hand, when Hermione would read something particularly romantic, then the results were quite positive indeed. Well, perhaps another day…

The smell of jasmine drifted closer. Severus glanced up, perplexed. Hermione must have forgotten to cast Scourgify on herself when she broke her jasmine perfume. She didn’t wear jasmine perfume unless she was feeling particularly… positive.

Hermione entered the sitting room, a bit flushed. This story must have really upset her. “Severus, I need to run some errands. I know it’s almost dinner time, but this can’t wait. Could you meet me after dinner? I’ve placed some clothes on the bed, with a note about where to meet me. See you soon!” Giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, she rushed out the door.

Severus walked into the bedroom. What the…?! A thin, white robe and his black woolen cloak were laid out next to a pile of computer papers with a note written on parchment in Hermione’s familiar script.


I’ve gone ahead to make some preparations for the evening. Apparate to that beautiful ledge that we visited at Loch Coruisk last summer. Come at sunset. Don’t forget to read the Prologue of this story first.

All my love,


Severus looked at the top of the first page: Living Legacy by sshg316. Oh yes, he recognized this author’s name. The results were looking very positive, indeed.

I've included a painting of the location spoken of.


by Sidney Richard Percy 
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