Why? Because I have nothing else to do and I recently re-discovered photobucket. And, duh,
We met on this night here
and bonded over our mutual love of Jenn Johns.
Sometimes Juliana loves the ladies.
the merkout diaries.
Who's that cutie holding the red cup? Sometimes Juliana gets fockkkkked up.
Sometimes we hotbox the wag and she eats pizza.
Sometimes we are lesbians.
She's always Juliana McSweetass.
Sometimes she bites my hand.
Sometimes I bite shoulders.
Sometimes we're hella tuff.
Sometimes I like to watch?
Sometimes she has birthdays and I know she hates this picture but sometimes I don't care.
Sometimes she dreams about being a lounge singer.
Sometimes she is my favorite person ever.
Who am I going to sing duets to Dashboard Confessional with? And who is going to give me lap dances? And eat my soggy fries? And cuddle with me on people's couches while there are sing-a-longs ocurring? And have tennis matches with me? And get hyphe? And, Juliana, I think you need to move here ASAP.