Nov 06, 2008 03:58
Sembreak is about to be o-vah.
And I feel like I've done nothing productive or fun. :|
One of the funnest nights I've had here was last night. Was kindofsortof drunk by 8pm which was fun because that's never happened before! HAHA:)) Ok, so afternoon drunk-ing is one thing I can slightly cross out of my to-do list. I will miss spending time with high school friends (even the new found ones). And it sucks coz I've never really had the chance to do just that for reasons that escape me right now.
Maybe because I spend all night surfing the net and all day sleeping? OK fine, no naman. Maybe because I'm too lazy to step outside of the house and look for said friends. Or maybe because it's not all that important anymore, maybe we don't care much for "catching up".
OK now that's scary. I've always dreaded the though of drifting from the people I've shared many high school firsts with. They say you end up becoming closer to people you didn't think you'd get close to during college and you drift away from your high school buddies. And that in the end, you still end up with the old reliables.
But I don't think you have to drift away from your high school loves. Maybe the very reason we didn't feel that need to "catch up" is that there really isn't much to catch up on. Through the wonders of communication, we've managed to stay up-to-date with the many details of our lives. If something major happened in Butuan tonight, you'd be sure it would reach us Manila kids the next day. [HAHA PARANG GOSSIP GIRL:p]
It amazes me really how when I ask them how they've been, even if I don't know the exact details of what's happened to them in the months that we spend apart, I already sort of expect whatever they say. Sure, there are the occasional shockers [omg dili mana siya ingadto before] and the really really shocking news [what?! siya buros???] but most of the time, I guess we already know each other that well.
Even when they don't answer some of the questions I ask [soooo...unsa naman gyd mo ni (insert name of kindofsortof significant other)], I kind of also already know what the story is.
You know you have amazing friends when that happens. When someone cuts class because you tell him you're leaving on Friday, when a friend who doesn't enjoy drinking gets drunk coz she wanted to spend time with you, when you meet even more amazing people thanks to them, you know you're lucky.
So yes, even if my sem break went by like crazy fast, I have nothing to complain.
Time flies by really fast anyway, right? I'm on the second semester of sophomore year and we all know how fast a semester (especially the second one) goes by. Next thing you know, you're a college junior and after that, a senior, then..OK STOP. I'm scaring myself now.
Oh see, it's 4:13 in the morning. Today is my last day in Butuan.
EDIT: It's 6:02am and I still can't sleep. I think the last sentence up there shook me more than I thought it would