Mar 23, 2006 12:35
i wrote a poem for pixi because she threatened me asked me nicely. this is for my pie ♥
whenever i see her on msn
the first thing i say is piepiepie
and she usually laughs and tosses her hair
and then she replies, hihihihi
her voice is soft and barely heard
remember that time in louisbourg
your mother pushed you, you fellfellfell
down inside the wellwellwell
eating grease and driving far
in search of wells inside your car
britney spears (that's me) will sing
before you die you see the ring
she's my woman, i'm her man
i don't know how it began
ordering for her when we go out to eat
both of us have crooked teeth
how can i love someone who hates to read?
reading for me is as vital as breathing
she hates books buts its okay
i still love her anyway