Jan 10, 2007 23:07
Im freaking out. Tomorrow night I have neuroscience and from what ive heard this is the worst class ever taught by the most horrible teacher to walk this earth. Not only is he a total jerk and can’t teach, but apparently his exams are displayed on overhead and we need to answer quickly before he changes the question. I am presently pooping in my pants and felt like you all should know. In other news, El Salvador was great, I’ll write more about that when I have time..it’ll be like 5000 pages long so prepare yourselves; buy a good pair of reading glasses, stock up on some snacks, and so forth.
All my other teachers are pretty swell. The one I had this morning is a total hippie. I love her..but she creeps me out because she looks like a female version of sam (robot sam). Thin lips, sleepy eyes, shade of blonde hair, relaxed voice…
Another of my professors is Polish. Extremely difficult last name, horrible jokes, but oh so cute and scared (first semester teaching). Enough about FIU.
Today I went ice skating! and I played basketball. and I went to the gym for the first time in a gazillion years. very eventful day indeed. Sam drove here twice all the way from BFE to hang out (sam the savage not the robot). He’s far from being savage though lol. sweetest thing ever, my jaw hurts from smiling/laughing all day =D its ridiculous though all the similarities between him and the other sam. their schooling, name, things they like, do, own, the way they act, participation in praise and worship bands, body type, etc..etc..etc.. sometimes I feel like someones playing a big mean joke on me.