thamasoma jyothirgamaya

Dec 09, 2010 04:32

Title: thamasoma jyothirgamaya
Author: emmram
Words: ~4500
Summary: Sam gets an unexpected companion in the afterlife.
Warnings: SPOILERS upto 6.07: Family Matters. Blood, gore, torture, swearing, violence, utter weirdness, experimentation, present-tense, metaphor-abuse.

A/N: This was written for the Sam-centric h/c challenge, for vail_kagami 's awesome prompt: "After being pulled out of the cage, Sam's soul somehow ends up in purgatory. And purgatory might be like hell-light, but this is where the dead monsters go - many of which Sam has put down himself. This is where the demons go when they die - demons like Alastair, or Lilith. Purgatory is full of things that are very happy to see Sam again. It might not be like hell, but with so many evil things lining up to take their turn with him, for Sam it's not much better than the cage.
So he's pretty damn broken when finally Ruby shows up, and she might not be sorry for what she's done, and she might be pissed that he let Dean kill her, but damned if she's going to watch those stinking cockroaches torture her favourite damsel in distress any longer.

Sam doesn't trust and hasn't forgiven her, but he's so weak that he completely depends on her for the moment. Some snark and unresolved issues between them would be awesome, but through it all Ruby is totally protective of Sam while still being, well, Ruby.

Bonus if together they fight their way out of purgatory."

First try at this challenge-fic thing, so pretty nervous. The story ended up being mostly about Sam rather than Sam/Ruby, and a sort of experimentation with my style (which translates into a lot of weirdness). I hope you enjoy anyway!

A rough translation of the Sanskrit title is: "Lead us from darkness to light."

( He's lost. )

supernatural injury, &fic challenge, torture, psychological trauma

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