Fic: Unfurl in the Wind, 1-7/? [Sam with DID]

Dec 12, 2020 14:55

Title: Unfurl in the Wind
Rating: T
Genre/pairing: Gen
Characters: Sam, Cas, Dean
Word count: < 30k, WIP
Summary: Sam has managed to fly under most people's radar with this for many years, but not anymore. Not since Dean unexpectedly went missing. He's been struggling more than usual, and he finds himself in a psychiatric ward, facing a diagnosis of Dissociative Identity Disorder that he’s long avoided.
Spoilers: AU, so no specific season
Warnings: Some self-injury, as well as suicidal ideation || Psych ward / hospital life and routines || Present results of past trauma
Disclaimer: Nope, don't own Supernatural

on AO3

therapy, nightmares, self-harm, crying, undisclosed, ptsd, stress, suicide attempt, hell/post-hell issues, repressed memories, anxiety/panic attack, psychological trauma, » fic, mental illness, .genre » gen

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