Moon-kissed by FogsRollingIn (me!) & art by Midnightsilver

Jun 11, 2019 12:59

Hi everybody! This is my SPN Dystopia Bang. Highly recommend that bang experience!

Title: Moon-kissed
Author: FogsRollingIn (me!)
Rating: R or Mature for graphic violence and dark themes (nothing is sexually explicit in this fic)
Genre/pairing: Sam/Dean (unrelated)
Characters: Sam, Dean, Castiel, Bobby, Jack
Word count: 27k
Summary: Leviathans led a successful global assault on humanity twenty years ago. The resistance is made up of surviving humans and Luna-borne creatures such as weres. Dean, a Marrow Pack werewolf, runs missions to take down leviathan strongholds and rescue those imprisoned and enslaved there. On this particular mission, Dean is shocked to discover one of the young slaves is a werecat, a species so rare that most weres thought them extinct.
Spoilers: none
Warnings: Dark themes, slavery, mentions of past abuse, graphic violence

Link to fic on AO3 or Link to the AMAZING ART (at the very least clickthrough to see the tremendous art of werewolf!Dean and werecat!Sammy!) by MidnightSilver aka TheGreenestGreentoEverGreen here on AO3 or Tumblr.

hugs/cuddling, physical assault, curse/spell, » art/graphics, !recs, .genre » wincest, touch starvation, abuse, torture, » fic, chronic pain

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