Fic: Another Brick in the Wall (Sam/Dean, E) - (20/23)

May 10, 2019 11:29

Title: Another Brick in the Wall
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: E
Genre: casefic, canon divergent after 06x17

Summary: When Sam vanishes on a case, it feels like every nightmare Dean’s had since he got his brother’s soul back is coming true. Waking up buried alive doesn’t exactly make it Sam’s favorite day, either. The Winchesters will do anything to save each other: that's almost a natural law. But in nature, everything has a cost, and Sam and Dean have a bad history of not examining the price tag.

( you better run )

kidnapping, .pairing » sam/dean, the great wall of sam, .genre » wincest, touch starvation, hell/post-hell issues, » fic, psychic powers

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