Pillows of Rocks, a Supernatural 12X19 fic

May 03, 2017 08:58

Title: Pillows of Rocks
Summary: Gen. Picks up right where 12X19 left off. Sam suffers the consequences of the latest development more than Dean, who is not having the best night himself. Limp!Sam galore.
Spoilers: up to and including 12X19
Warnings: Language, I suppose; told from Dean'd POV
Word Count: 1087
Disclaimer: Supernatural, its characters, plot lines etc. belong to their awesome creators. I am merely suggesting fun new ways in which those beloved characters could suffer and/or be comforted.
A/N: See fic for various apologetic ramblings
on AO3

fainting/collapse, cold, unconsciousness, » fic, stress, .genre » gen

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