Fic: A Gift For Demeter

May 01, 2017 19:16

Title: A Gift For Demeter
Summary: In which Dean was not killed by Lucifer in the showdown of 2014. In which Dean got his hands on an archangel blade. In which Lucifer is dead and Sam is, miraculously, still living. In which Sam tries his best to grow plants in the dried-up earth.
Word Count: 7772
Pairing: Gen, with minor Dean/Risa
Rating: T
Notes: Written for ohsam's Celebrating Sam 2017, based on the prompt 'pomegranate'. Set during the end-verse. Cas POV.

Read on AO3 and LJ

crying, injury, permanent injury, brain damage, » fic, seizures, .genre » gen, mutism

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