It's almost time, folks! Starting Monday, May 1st and running through Sunday, May 7th, you can post your prompt fills for the Celebrating Sam fanworks event! As a reminder, submit any hurt/comfort, Sam-centric original work (fic, art, graphics, poetry, gif sets, vids, you name it!) based on one of the 200+ prompts in the
prompting post.
What happens on Monday?
- A masterpost will go up here on OhSam to keep track of the fills.
- You can post your work on either LJ or tumblr (tagged with #celebratingsam).
- Make sure to reference which prompt you're filling in your post.
- If it's a fic, include any rating, warnings, and pairings information for readers.
- If you post a fill on LJ, please comment on the masterpost with a link to your LJ.
- Tumblr users should tag with #celebratingsam and mods at spnlittlebro and ohsamtumbles will reblog (these will be placed in queue to spread them out so don't worry if you don't see it reblogged right away).
- If you post on tumblr, also comment with a link to your work on the LJ masterpost (anon commenting will be enabled for this purpose). We want people who provided prompts to be able to find all the fills!
- If you want to track the posts on tumblr, track #celebratingsam.
Let us know if you have any questions! See you tomorrow!