"You Only Hurt the One You Love" Meme!

Feb 12, 2016 20:44

Alright, everyone, it’s nearly Valentine’s Day! You know what this means? It’s the perfect opportunity to show our love for our favorite Winchester by doing what we do best - hurting him, maiming him, making him sick, putting him through emotional torture. Y’know, the usual.

Welcome to ohsam’s “You Only Hurt the One You Love” meme!

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FILLED: No Glove, No Love sharktheory February 14 2016, 01:44:33 UTC
A/N: Dunno if I really need to warn for this, but there's casual talk about sex/genitals/etc. in here. Nothing explicit, though. Hope you enjoy! :-)


“Didn’t wrap it before you tapped it, huh?” Dean asks sympathetically from the doorway.

“Christ, Dean!” Sam exclaims, jumping about a foot in the air and shoving his junk back in his pants. “Get out!”

Dean rolls his eyes, but at least he turns around. “Don’t be ridiculous, Sammy. Nothing I haven’t seen before.”

“Yeah, when I was, like, 10,” Sam retorts as he does up his zipper carefully. He’s glad Dean’s turned around so he doesn’t see his wince as everything down there is jarred painfully.

“I don’t think it’s changed much in 7 years,” Dean teases.

“Oh, screw you,” Sam says. A little bit of the pain must leak through into his voice, because Dean turns around again and frowns.

“What is it, Sammy?”

“What’s what?”

“What’s, you know, affected.”

Sam scrunches up his face. “Just leave me alone.”

“Not gonna happen. Trust me, this is not something you wanna mess around with.” Dean pauses, thinking. “They did teach sex ed in at least one of the schools we went to, right?”

“Yeah,” Sam mumbles, face reddening. “Use a condom, make sure she’s on the pill, all that stuff.”

“But nothing about STDs?”

“I said they told us to use condoms, didn’t I?”

“Well, that’ll help prevent them,” Dean admits, “but sometimes you get ‘em anyway. Shit sucks ass. They didn’t tell you how to treat them?”

Sam just shakes his head. If he tries to talk now, he’s pretty sure his voice’ll crack, and the last thing he needs is another thing to be embarrassed about.

Dean’s face softened. “I give you shit for a lotta crap, Sammy, but I’m not gonna give you shit for this. Not right now, at least.” Dean grins. “Ready for your second sex talk?”

He goes on to explain some basic -and some very explicit- descriptions of more STDs than Sam knew existed, from Hep B to syphilis to chlamydia. He talks easily, though. The relaxed tone helps convince Sam that maybe something off about his crotch isn’t the end of the world.

“So,” he says after describing the ninth or tenth one, “any of those sounding relevant?”

“Uh, yeah,” Sam admits. There’s still a pink tint to his cheeks, but Dean’s deliberate casual-ness has left him slightly more at ease. “The - uh. Herpes.”

Dean nods. “Yeah, I figured. You feel any sores in your mouth?”

Sam thinks, tonguing around the inside of his mouth. When his tongue hits a spot just next to his left canine, he yelps despite himself and brings a hand up to rub at his jaw.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Dean says, amusement trickling into his voice. A moment later, though, he grimaces, knowing what’s next. “All right, so mouth sores, check. What about on your dick?”

Sam swallows nervously. “Uh… yeah, a couple. Is that normal?”

“For an STD, yeah,” Dean reassures him. “All you gotta do is get some antibiotics from the doctor and it’ll clear up. I can take you tomorrow.” With that, he stands up and stretches theatrically.

Sam nods, hand unconsciously moving to cover his groin. “Thanks, Dean.”

“Hey, no problem. This gives me plenty of blackmail for future use anyway.” Dean gives him a shit-eating grin and claps him lightly on the shoulder before turning away. Before he leaves, though, Sam has one last thing to ask him.


“Yeah, bud?”

“Please don’t tell Dad.”


RE: FILLED: No Glove, No Love kettle_o_fish February 14 2016, 01:56:33 UTC
Hahahahaha. Aww, Sammich.

Thanks for the fill!


RE: FILLED: No Glove, No Love madebyme_x February 14 2016, 18:59:43 UTC
Ouch! Poor poor Sam! And Dean is just awesome. Thank you for sharing :)


RE: FILLED: No Glove, No Love tarotgal February 15 2016, 11:51:19 UTC
Oh, I love this! Dean managing to be both a teasing big brother and a care-giving one at the same time, and Sam in pain and not sure what to do about it. And the ages you chose are just perfect for this dynamic between them. I love their dialogue.


RE: FILLED: No Glove, No Love cowboyguy February 15 2016, 16:41:57 UTC
Awww, this was great! Poor Sam, being all freaked out about it, but I love Dean being completely cool and giving him big brother advice. And the dialogue in this is perfect! I especially love the first couple of lines and the last bit.


RE: FILLED: No Glove, No Love lauehime February 16 2016, 02:57:07 UTC
Oh yeah, Dean does sound like the perfect fit for sex ed! Hahaha aww poor Sammy! Loved how cool Dean was about it so it didn't make Sam feel like it was the end of the world, even though that had to be quite embarrassing still. Plus, the banter was just marvelous!! Bravo!


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