Fic - Ten of Swords

Dec 15, 2015 17:53

Title: Ten of Swords
Summary: After a party, Jess struggles to deal with a haunting tarot reading. A fic told in three tarot cards; one for the past, one for the present, and one for the future. Stanford Era. Jess POV.
Rating: PG13
Genre/Spoilers: Sam/Jess. None.
Word Count: 2800+
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural that privilege belongs to CW, Kripke and Co, I'm simply borrowing them for a while. I'm not making a profit, this is just for fun and all the standard disclaimers apply.
A/N: This was written for the 2015 spn_j2_xmas challenge for sophiap.

Ten of Swords

hugs/cuddling, .pairing » sam/jess, nightmares, visions, » fic

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